Member Deal

Submit your MEMBERSHIP DEAL to support Salt Lake Chamber Members and our business community. Note: Upon submission deals will be reviewed by staff. Once approved they will be posted to the website. If you are not a member of the Chamber, a staff member will reach out to you directly and work with you to support your business.
Can we post your contact information? *
Format: M/d/yyyy
When do you want us to post this event.
Format: M/d/yyyy
We are keeping some of the COVID-19 discounts open until 4/30/2020 and will add the text "Please note, the VALID THROUGH DATE may change." to the bottom of the description. If you want us to work with you to change the END DATE as the current situation changes, please leave the END DATE blank.
Section Label
Thank you for submitting your MEMBERSHIP DEALS. If you have any questions, please call Jackie Sexton at (801) 328-5053 or email