Get Healthy Utah and The Utah Worksite Wellness Council are bringing together business leaders across Utah for the Utah Business of Health Event with the theme Good Health is Good Business. The purpose of this event is to elevate and learn the impact business has on health and to explore how businesses can partner with other organizations working to improve the health and quality of life of Utahns.
We would like to reach businesses that are already making an impact on health in Utah and businesses that are interested in learning more. Our target audience is business executives and leaders who can champion efforts to improve worksite wellness and corporate social responsibility.
Our focus areas are improving healthy food (healthy food options on the worksite, improving access to healthy foods in under-resourced communities, etc.), active living (infrastructure and programs for active transportation, physical activity, greenspace, etc.), and mental health (employee training and resources, promoting work and community culture of connectedness, etc.).
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Event Agenda
8:30 am Check-In & Visit Exhibitor
9:00 am Welcome & Keynote by Chet Loftis of PEHP Health & Benefits
9:30 am Why Good Health is Good Business
10:00 am Panel: How Utah Businesses are Impacting Health and Wellness
11:00 am Break - Visit Exhibitors
11:15 am Roundtable Discussions
12:00 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Roundtable Recp
1:00 pm Adjourn
Wednesday Feb 8, 2023
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST
February 8, 2023
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
(lunch included)
Salt Lake Community College, Miller Campus, Miller Conference Center
9750 S 300 W, Sandy, UT 84070
$35 per person - lunch included
Alysia Ducuara
Executive Director, Get Healthy Utah
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