Ribbon Cutting Request

Thank you for your interest in having the Salt Lake Chamber assist with your ribbon cutting!

Ribbon Cuttings are for Chamber members with a physical location, businesses that have moved or expanded, celebrating milestones or new members. If you're interested in including us in your business celebration, please review the criteria below.

What are the host’s responsibilities?
- Invite your own guests (customers, clients, friends, family)
- Invite your local municipality council members and mayor
- Provide the Chamber with a timeline and list of speakers at least one week prior to the event
- You may provide food/beverage if desired (we advise it!)
- Market event (the Chamber promotes event on our community calander.)
- You may reach out to media for coverage if desired

What are the Chamber's responsibilities?
- Chamber branded ribbon for ceremony
- Large ceremonial scissors
- Statement of Support plaque presented by President Ambassador chair
- Attendance of Chamber Staff Member
- Attendance of President Ambassadors (vary based on the time and day.)
- Photos from event posted on Chamber social media platform
- Community calendar event posting (if this is not desired, please direct the Chamber in the ‘Additional Information’ section of the form below)
Contact Information
I understand that ribbon cuttings are only held Tuesday through Thursday between 11 AM and 3 PM, excluding holidays that fall on those days. *
I understand confirmation of the event date is pending approval from Chamber staff. *
Reservations are booked a minimum of 21 days in advance on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please do not send communications until the Chamber has confirmed your date and time. *
Tips for a successful Ribbon Cutting:
Schedule and plan in advance, Invite customers, clients, friends, family, and your local municipality, Market your event, Provide food and beverages (we suggest it!), Have an announcement or speech to educate your guests, Prepare for inclement weather.