Purpose: To bring together businesswomen and women business owners to learn valuable business insights to further their professional growth and to foster relationships with other women in the community.
Theme of the Conference: Growth, Grit, & Grace
The Women & Business Conference and ATHENA Awards Luncheon is the primary fundraiser for the Salt Lake Chamber's Women's Business Center. This event is filled with inspirational speakers who recognize the accomplishments of those helping to make a difference in our local community.
Proposals should include:
Description of Presentation as it ties in with the theme
Purpose and Takeaways
Proposed Speaker/Panelists/Moderator
Relevance to the Purpose of the Conference
Contact Information (Name, Title, Organization, Phone Number, Email)
Takeaway action items for attendees
Length: Presentations should be approximately 45 minutes in length.
Presentations will be selected by the Women & Business Conference committee.
To submit a presentation proposal, please click the blue "register" button on this page to access the application.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event or contributing in another way, please contact Heidi Walker.
Click here for the event page.
Please direct questions to events@slchamber.com
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Proposals are due at 5PM.
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