Leadership Utah 1986

Bobbie Anderson
Utah Petroleum Association, Office Manager
Michael Cervino
Cervino Solutions Group
William Davies
Investment Realty Advisors
Eric Ensign
City Investment
Stephen Ivey
A.G. Edwards & Sons
Robert Ladenburger
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Barbara Levy
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Eileen Longsworth
Salt Lake County Library (Hunter Library)
Grant McAllister
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Robert Rath
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Juanita Reid
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Margaret Smoot
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Douglas Tapking
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Art Waber
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Clint Warby
LUA Graduate - No longer with their company
Thomas Williamsen
Chasebrook Company, President
Alan Wood
Wood Property Development, L.C.