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Engage Now Africa

Engage Now Africa


Associations & Organizations - Health & Human ServicesAssociations & Organizations - Other

About Us

Engage Now Africa’s (ENA) mission is to Heal, Rescue, and Lift our brothers and sisters in Africa. Our purpose is to provide resources and training to vulnerable populations, enabling them to become self-reliant and substantially improve their lives. Our goal is to directly impact the lives of three million people by 2025. We operate offices in Ethiopia, Ghana, Namibia, and Sierra Leone. We accomplish our mission by developing greater capacity in the individuals and communities we serve. We focus on fundamental building blocks that lead to self-reliance, including water, sanitation, health, education, micro-credit, and other income-generating activities that strengthen families and build communities.

We began our work in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2002 to eradicate poverty by empowering people with essential resources and training. ENA’s mission—to Heal, Rescue, and Lift—empowers those most vulnerable to poverty to become self-reliant. Healing, our first pillar, is the heart of ENA. By providing access to clean water, health posts, and clinics, we save and significantly improve the lives of those we serve. We work with the ministries of health and education, local government representatives, and other healthcare providers to ensure access to these vital services. Rescue, our second pillar, addresses the global plague of modern slavery that continues to thrive in Africa. Lift, our final post, includes an award-winning adult literacy program, school construction, vocational training, microcredit loans, and albinism awareness. We invest in all forms of education.


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View Personal Bio
Jennifer Hogge-Ellsworth
Executive Director